Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Trail Run... LOOK OUT!

Bree and I went down to the church to give our airplane a test. Our our first run we were both excited and very happy with how well, high, and well our airplane flew! It was great. Then as we did it a second and from there after it didnt seem to work as well. It started to fly for shorter and go in circles. We learned that the more the rubber band was stretched the worst it would fly. We learned alot and are ready to have it graded.

Me flying the plane. Sorry so much of it is just winding the rubber-band!

Bree's Turn! Again sorry for the winding.

The Wright Brothers All Over Again...

Building the Airplane wasnt very difficult. We were able to follow the direction even though they were difficult to read.  

The Kits

Getting Started!

Working on the plane.

Almost Finished!

Bree's dad busted out the dentist glasses to help us read the direction.

Finished Product



Monday, October 25, 2010

Research... Research... & MORE RESEARCH!

Trying to figure out which airplane to buy and really understand how the air would take flight took alot of research on the internet. I have to say it wasnt easy. I was able to understand the aerodynamic concepts.

Introduced to the Project

Today in class Mr. Lindsay introduced are up coming project to us. We are to buy an airplane kit and construct it well enough to be able to take flight off the ground with only using rubber bands to spin the propeller. I'm slightly worried and little bit confused on what is expected. It seems like a very hard project, but do-able. It will defiantly be a cchallenge but with lots of hard work and research I think I can succeed.